Publisher’s Column: Remembering Judge Rick

Missouri Supreme Court Judge Richard B. Teitelman was a friend equal justice, a friend of the Bill of Rights and a friend of the journalism review. He was a friend of mine and many others his life touched. This issue on the Bill of Rights is dedicated to Judge Rick who died last month.

If you have a mental image of a judge in your mind, forget it. Judge Teitelman was nothing like any other judge.Continue Reading

The Bill of Rights puts on a business suit

When America celebrated the 200th birthday of the Bill of Rights in 1991, no one foresaw the powerful forces that would remake it over the next quarter century.

  • The communications revolution and rise of Facebook-Twitter-Google democracy
  • The loss of privacy to unforeseen technology
  • Sept. 11, 2001, and the growth of the national security state
  • Citizens United and the flood of big money into elections
  • The Wild West of a virtual public forum flooded with news, fake news and hate speech
  • The nation’s fascination with guns and expansion of Second Amendment rights
  • The evolving decency that ended the execution of juvenile killers

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